Haul for the Shore

A comedy by Jean McConnell
Wednesday 3 April 1957 - Saturday 6 April 1957
The Little Theatre, Old Royal Marines Camp, Butts Close, Faringdon
Directed by Nancy Reeves

Tickets were available from White Bros (hairdressers), 7 Cornmarket, Faringdon.

The action of the play takes place in Richard Pengelly’s cottage in Tremerran Cove, a Cornish village on a rugged part of the South-West Coast.

When the newly arrived vicar arrives at the home of Richard Pengelly he is shocked to hear villagers taking goods from ships that have run aground, and he refuses to sit on a chair that has been washed ashore. As the play proceeds, the vicar’s outlook is slowly adjusted…

Haul For The Shore 1957 PhotoHaul For The Shore 1957 Photo 2Haul For The Shore 1957 Photo 3Haul For The Shore 1957 Photo 4Haul For The Shore 1957 Photo 5

The author spent part of her WRNS service in Faringdon and hopes to be present at Friday’s performance.

See the programme for further details, it cost thrupence 3d (a fraction over 1p in today’s money).

Cast (in order of appearance):

Jem Burden - Bill Reeves
Sarah Trowt - Kathleen Daish
Richard Pengelly - George Bell
Polly lpplepen - Susan Lister
Rev. Leslie Fox - Ron Venn
Petrock Pook - Geoffrey Stanton
P.C. William Widdon - Bill Scott
Maisie - Kathleen Hill
Dr. Volumina Clifford - Rosemary Stanton
1st Visitor - Bill Stevens
2nd Visitor - Arthur Probert
Villager - Frank van Tinteren

See programme for further details.

Production No.22 (4 shows were performed over 4 days).