Jack and the Beanstalk
A pantomime written by John Crocker
Wednesday 27 January 1988 - Saturday 30 January 1988
Faringdon Community Theatre, The Pump House, 5 Market Place, Faringdon
Directed by Brenda Keith-Walker
Producer: Mike Durham
Musical Director: Julian Elloway
Times: Performances start 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier.
Tickets were available from Moynes (ironmongers), 10 Marlborough Street, Faringdon.
Dolly and her son, Jack, cannot compete with Farmer Fussbudget when it comes to business and worse still, he is their landlord. They have no money to pay the rent and are down to one cow – Magnesia. They have no option but to sell her to raise some money or they face being evicted. Jack and Fussbudget’s daughter Florence plan to marry but at present this is out of the question, due to lack of cash and Fussbudget’s objection to Jack.
Photographs by kind permission of ‘The Faringdon Folly’
Cast (in order of appearance):
Sir Bertram Bubble - Carole White
Sir Sydney Squeak - Gail Mander
King Umpty - Nigel Keith-Walker
Jack Durden - Debbie Lock
Fairy Evergreen - Sandra Holland
Demon Pestblight - Nigel Murrin
Dame Durden - Mike Clark
Princess Felicia - Emma Woodyer
Simple Simon - Carolyn Taylor
Jumping Joan - Joan Lee
Daisy (the Cow) - Carole Tappenden; Lorraine France
Giant Blunderbore - Alan Taylor; Mike Durham
Pie Man - Sarah Woodyer
Chorus - Patricia Harbour; Clare Winter; Vanessa King; Claire Butler; Katy Harbour; Carron Freeman; Jo Needler; Jo Latimer; Alira Warner; Jemima Headey; Andrew Barlow; Laura Hart; Sarah Woodyer; Gareth Taylor; Francesca Taylor; Susan Gaught; Keith Broadberry; Adam Stretton; Stephen Deane; Joe Headey; Debbie Larcombe; Becky Ilott
See programme for further details.
Production No.94 - 4 shows were performed over 4 days.