Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime
A comedy written by Constance Cox
Thursday 16 November 1989 - Saturday 18 November 1989
Faringdon Community Theatre, The Pump House, 5 Market Place, Faringdon
Directed by Carole Tappenden
Times: Performances start 7:45 pm.
Tickets were available from Moynes (ironmongers), 10 Marlborough Street, Faringdon.
This full-length play is based on an 1890’s short story by Oscar Wilde about Lord Arthur Savile’s who is engaged to lovely Sybil Merton. Her pet chiromantist Podgers has read Lord Arthur’s palm and foretold he would commit a murder. Lord Arthur desires a blissful married life and therefore feels duty bound to get the murder over with first. Despite help from his butler and the cheerful anarchist Winkelkopf, attempt after attempt fails. Then news comes that Podgers is a charlatan: Lord Arthur is free and the carriage awaits to take him to the wedding rehearsal. Alas, it contains Winkelkopf’s newest bomb. Lord Arthur saves himself by tossing it into a horse trough. As the dust settles, two policemen appear and march the unhappy young man away and another postponement notice has to be sent to The Times.
The action of the play passes in the drawing room of Lord Arthur’s house in Grosvenor Square, London.
Cast (in order of appearance):
Baines - Nigel Keith-Walker
Lord Arthur Savile - Nick Hobden
Sybil Merton - Joan Lee
The Dean of Paddington - Dave Headey
Lady Windermere - Brenda Keith-Walker
Lady Clementina Beauchamp - Carolyn Taylor
Lady Julia Merton - Jo Webster
Mr Podgers - Alan Taylor
Nellie - Sophie Webster
Herr Winkelkopf - Peter Webster
See programme for further details.
Production No.100 - 3 shows were performed over 3 days.