Time and the Conways

A drama written by J.B. Priestley
Thursday 17 May 1990 - Saturday 19 May 1990
Faringdon Community Theatre, The Pump House, 5 Market Place, Faringdon
Directed by Nick Hobden

Times: Performances start 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier.
Tickets were available from Moynes (ironmongers), 10 Marlborough Street, Faringdon.

The scene throughout is a sitting room in Mrs Conway’s house, a detached villa in a prosperous suburb of a manufacturing town, Newlingham.

The play works on the level of a universal human tragedy and a powerful portrait of the history of Britain between the Wars. Priestley shows how through a process of complacency and class arrogance Britain allowed itself to decline and collapse between 1919 and 1937 instead of realising the immense creative and humanistic potential of the post Great War generation. Priestley could clearly see the tide of history leading towards another major European conflict as he has his character Ernest comment in 1937 that they are coming to ‘the next war’.

Cast (in order of appearance):

Hazel Conway - Helen Barter
Carol Conway - Debbie Lock
Alan Conway - Nick Hobden
Madge Conway - Brenda Keith-Walker
Kay Conway - Carolyn Taylor
Mrs Conway - Carole Tappenden
Joan Helford - Jo Webster
Gerald Thornton - Alan Taylor
Ernest Beevers - Dave Headey
Robin Conway - Peter Webster

See programme for further details.

Production No.102 - 3 shows were performed over 3 days.