Arthur’s Adventure
or Merlin to the Rescue
A pantomime written by Peter Webster
Saturday 28 January 2017 - Sunday 29 January 2017
& Friday 3 February 2017 - Saturday 4 February 2017
Faringdon Junior School, 26 Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HY
Directed by Peter Webster
Producer: Sandra Keen
Musical Director: Jayne Hoyland
Times: Performances start 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier. Each performance lasts approximately 2½ hours. Matinées on Saturdays and Sunday only.
Tickets: Adult £8. Child (under 16) £6. No concessions. Tickets were available from our Online Box Office and Hare in The Woods, 7a Market Place, Faringdon.
This is a revamped pantomime written by one of our members Peter Webster and last performed in the year 2000. As for last year, there will be three matinée performances – Sat 28th Jan, Sun 29th Jan, and Sat 4th Feb and three evening performances – Sat 28th Jan, Fri 3rd and Sat 4th Feb.
1st place in the Oxfordshire Drama Network (ODN) Pantomime Competition 2017 for the 6th time.
That’s four wins and one 2nd place in the last five years.
+ Read a “Commendation from Faringdon Town Council”
The action of the play takes place in the ancient and possibly mythical land of Camelot. Mrs Tickleme, housekeeper to Sir Jikal-Trusse, sets the scene. The King is dead and a successor must be found. The Knights of the Round Table suggest various ways to settle the succession, but are eventually persuaded by Merlin to hold a tournament to decide who will try to pull the sword from the stone, with whoever succeeds becoming King. Sir Jikal-Trusses’s son, Sir Loin briefs Arthur his squire, as to all the equipment he needs for the tournament and sends Arthur to fetch it, with the final instruction not to forget a thing. Of course, Arthur forgets something crucial – Sir Loin’s sword; seeing one seemingly abandoned in the stone, he takes it and brings it to Sir Loin, who realising it is not his, asks Arthur where he found it.
Click here to go to our Pantomime Page for general details and an application form.
Cast (in order of appearance):
Arthur (squire to Sir Loin) - Emma Butcher
Merlin (a wizard) - Sarah Couzens
Sir Jikal-Trusse (Arthur’s guardian) - Gary Field
Sir Loin (his son) - Josh Dunn
Margaret (Sir Loin’s betrothed) - Lottie Allum
Morgan Le Fay (an enchantress) - Suzanna Carter
Robin Le Fay (her son) - Dominic Allum
Mrs Tickleme (Sir J-T’s housekeeper) - Bex Massie
Sir Plusse (a knight) - Helen Thrower
Sir Reale (a knight) - Sandra Keen
Sir Cuitous (a knight) - Verity Roberts
Sir Veillance (a knight) - Debbie Lock
Bubo (an owl) - Lynne Puddifoot*
Fear - Sam Tate
Pestilence - Tiffany Jakovljevevich
The page - Finlay Brand
The bear - Kia Howard
An animal - Henry Marlow
Another animal - Alicia Howard
The book - Isabelle Dawson
The automaton - Kitty Marlow
The clock - Skye Farquhar*
Dark Knights - Kayleigh Booth; Ellie Hickman; Millie Long; Helen Tate
Mice - Fiona Merrick; Sarah Varnom; Matthew Warner
Courtiers - Julie Biggs; Jan Crowdson; Katie Goodwin; Fiona Merrick; Loren Nicholls; Sarah Varnom; Matthew Warner
Courtiers / Animals - Finlay Brand; Isabelle Dawson; Skye Farquhar*; Alicia Howard; Kia Howard; Tiffany Jakovljevevich; Henry Marlow; Kitty Marlow; Lynne Puddifoot*; Sam Tate
Orchestra - Becky Brand; Torin Brown; Richard Lock; Martin Waymark
See programme for further details.
Production No.185 - 6 shows were performed over 4 days. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Peter Webster, www.petepanto.co.uk