FDS - Arthur’s Adventure poster

Arthur’s Adventure star

or Merlin to the Rescue

A pantomime written by Peter Webster
Saturday 28 January 2017 - Sunday 29 January 2017
& Friday 3 February 2017 - Saturday 4 February 2017
Faringdon Junior School, 26 Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HY
Directed by Peter Webster
Producer: Sandra Keen
Musical Director: Jayne Hoyland

Times: Performances start 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier. Each performance lasts approximately 2½ hours. Matinées on Saturdays and Sunday only.
Tickets: Adult £8. Child (under 16) £6. No concessions. Tickets were available from our Online Box Office and Hare in The Woods, 7a Market Place, Faringdon.

This is a revamped pantomime written by one of our members Peter Webster and last performed in the year 2000. As for last year, there will be three matinée performances – Sat 28th Jan, Sun 29th Jan, and Sat 4th Feb and three evening performances – Sat 28th Jan, Fri 3rd and Sat 4th Feb.

arthurs-adventure-2017-odn-panto-certificatearthurs-adventure-2017-odn-panto-awardstar1st place in the Oxfordshire Drama Network (ODN) Pantomime Competition 2017 for the 6th time.

That’s four wins and one 2nd place in the last five years.

+ Read a  “Commendation from Faringdon Town Council”

The action of the play takes place in the ancient and possibly mythical land of Camelot. Mrs Tickleme, housekeeper to Sir Jikal-Trusse, sets the scene. The King is dead and a successor must be found. The Knights of the Round Table suggest various ways to settle the succession, but are eventually persuaded by Merlin to hold a tournament to decide who will try to pull the sword from the stone, with whoever succeeds becoming King. Sir Jikal-Trusses’s son, Sir Loin briefs Arthur his squire, as to all the equipment he needs for the tournament and sends Arthur to fetch it, with the final instruction not to forget a thing. Of course, Arthur forgets something crucial – Sir Loin’s sword; seeing one seemingly abandoned in the stone, he takes it and brings it to Sir Loin, who realising it is not his, asks Arthur where he found it.

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Click here to go to our Pantomime Page for general details and an application form.

Cast (in order of appearance):

Arthur (squire to Sir Loin) - Emma Butcher
Merlin (a wizard) - Sarah Couzens
Sir Jikal-Trusse (Arthur’s guardian) - Gary Field
Sir Loin (his son) - Josh Dunn
Margaret (Sir Loin’s betrothed) - Lottie Allum
Morgan Le Fay (an enchantress) - Suzanna Carter
Robin Le Fay (her son) - Dominic Allum
Mrs Tickleme (Sir J-T’s housekeeper) - Bex Massie
Sir Plusse (a knight) - Helen Thrower
Sir Reale (a knight) - Sandra Keen
Sir Cuitous (a knight) - Verity Roberts
Sir Veillance (a knight) - Debbie Lock
Bubo (an owl) - Lynne Puddifoot*
Fear - Sam Tate
Pestilence - Tiffany Jakovljevevich
The page - Finlay Brand
The bear - Kia Howard
An animal - Henry Marlow
Another animal - Alicia Howard
The book - Isabelle Dawson
The automaton - Kitty Marlow
The clock - Skye Farquhar*
Dark Knights - Kayleigh Booth; Ellie Hickman; Millie Long; Helen Tate
Mice - Fiona Merrick; Sarah Varnom; Matthew Warner
Courtiers - Julie Biggs; Jan Crowdson; Katie Goodwin; Fiona Merrick; Loren Nicholls; Sarah Varnom; Matthew Warner
Courtiers / Animals - Finlay Brand; Isabelle Dawson; Skye Farquhar*; Alicia Howard; Kia Howard; Tiffany Jakovljevevich; Henry Marlow; Kitty Marlow; Lynne Puddifoot*; Sam Tate
Orchestra - Becky Brand; Torin Brown; Richard Lock; Martin Waymark

See programme for further details.

Production No.185 - 6 shows were performed over 4 days. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Peter Webster, www.petepanto.co.uk