Fool’s Paradise

A comedy by Peter Coke
Thursday 24 November 1983 - Saturday 26 November 1983
Faringdon Community Theatre, The Pump House, 5 Market Place, Faringdon
Directed by Evelyn Stoodley

Tickets were available from F. B. Wood (newsagents), 4a London Street, Faringdon.

The action of the play passes in the drawing room of the Hayling’s house in Westminster. Period – the 1950’s when £sd meant something.

Although surrounded by valuable antiques, Jane and Catherine live in debt, for the late husband of both ladies, Basil Hayling left house and property to them, stipulating that they were both to live there but could not sell any of it. Basil’s sister has just left a spray of emeralds in her will. If they prove valuable, all their debts can be paid. Unfortunately, Jane giddily accepts deposits on the emeralds from too many people and can only hold them at bay by inventing a third owner for them – a Senhora Conchita Elvas – whom she then impersonates. As debts and troubles increase, she even accepts a deposit on Catherine’s son, rashly promising his hand in marriage to glamorous and enamoured Fiona Renshaw. They all spend some merry moments solving this almost inextricable tangle.

Cast (in order of appearance):

Julius Caxton - David Cossins
Rose - Eileen Drew
Susan Dawson - Gail Mander
Catherine Hayline - Mildred Carter
Jane Hayling - Carole White
Philip Hayling - Steve Reade
Fiona Renshaw - Irene Barron
Brigette Blair - Deirdre Hamley

See programme for further details.

Production No.81 (3 shows were performed over 3 days).