Something to Hide

A thriller by Leslie Sands
Thursday 26 May 1983 - Saturday 28 May 1983
Faringdon Community Theatre, The Pump House, 5 Market Place, Faringdon
Directed by Deirdre Hamley

Tickets were available from White Bros (hairdressers), 7 Cornmarket, Faringdon.

This most ingenious thriller concerns an author who finds that his wife (who is also his publisher) has run over his mistress in a car and killed her. They agree to dispose of the body and the rest of the play reveals the true relationship between husband and wife and how they have double-crossed each other at every turn. The true fate of the mistress is discovered in a surprise denouement, whilst the net around the couple is being very neatly tightened by a most convincing and refreshingly new type of detective.

The action of the play passes in the sitting-room of the Halts’ country cottage in Essex. The time is the present.

Cast (in order of appearance):

Julie Grant - Irene Barron
Howard Holt - Mike Durham
Karen Holt - Pat Saddleton
Inspector Davies - David Cossins
Will Purdie - Dave Headey
Stella - Penny Power
Miss Cunningham - Carol White

See programme for further details.

Production No.80 (3 shows were performed over 3 days).