A pantomime written by Peter Webster
Saturday 25 January 2020 - Sunday 26 January 2020
& Friday 31 January 2020 - Saturday 1 February 2020
Faringdon Junior School, 26 Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HY
Directed by Debbie Lock
Producer: Carolyn Taylor
Musical Director: Martin Waymark
Times: Performances start 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier. Each performance lasts approximately 2½ hours. Matinées on Saturdays and Sunday.
Tickets: Adult £10. Child (under 16) £5. No concessions. Add 5% non-refundable booking fee. Adult ticket includes a free programme. Tickets were available from our Online Box Office and Stay Grounded, 7a Market Place, Faringdon.
Other information: A selection of drinks and snacks will be available for purchase at the bar.
Aladdin was last performed in 1990 and again in 2010. This time we have a brand new version especially written by our own Peter Webster. This will be his eleventh pantomime.
This production of Aladdin has all the traditional elements you want in a pantomime, but with several new twists. (A rather self-important Sultan perhaps?) So, we have a feisty hero, a beautiful Princess, not one but two genies, a dotty dame and an evil sorcerer and his two useless apprentices. Plus, lots of laughs, songs and action, all backed by a live band. Enjoy!
Synopsis: Aladdin and his idle young friends are planning what mischief they can get up to, but are taken to task by some of the citizens, just as Aladdin’s mother, Widow Twankey, arrives on the scene, getting the brunt of their displeasure. They are interrupted by the arrival of the Sultana, the Vizier, the Princess and their entourage. The Sultana brags about all she plans to do, only to be reminded by the Vizier that the palace treasury is empty. Once the procession has moved on, Aladdin, obviously smitten by the Princess, is ribbed by his friends and then brought down to earth by his mother, who talks of the job he must find….
Interested in taking part? See our Pantomime page for downloadable forms and general information.
The Cast (adults):
Dress-Rehearsal Photos:
All productions stopped following this pantomime in 2020 as the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic rampaged through the country and the rest of the world. All public performances were banned for the rest of the year and everyone except for key workers were told to stay at home for many months during three lockdowns, taking us well into the following year.
Cast (in order of appearance):
Aladdin - Miriam Wells
Widow Twankey - Verity Roberts
Princess Pearl - Kia Howard
Sultana - Katie Dyet
Vizier - Dexter Kent*
Abraxas - Jacob Bayliss
Fumble - Alison Morris
Blunder - Lynne Puddifoot*
Genie of the lamp - Adrian Wells
Genie of the ring - Millie Long
Aladdin’s friends - Rhian Balmer*; Amy Gough*; Romilly Tinson*; Daniel Watson*
Citizens - Jan Crowdson; Julie Childs; Jayne Hoyland; Kayleigh Booth; Finlay Farquhar*; Isla Beaumont*; Lola Nisbet*; Olivia Parsons*; Pearl Hampshire*; Lilyana Isakson*; Byron Pound
Cave Spirits - Maisie Brame*; Laila Denham*; Poppy Holden*; Jaimee Kelly*; Heather Kent*; Alfie Long*; Cecily Roberts*; James Sucksmith*; Willow Tate*
Princess’s friends - Skye Farquhar*; Hanna Miozga*; Ellie-May Smith*; Iona Sucksmith*
Sultana’s servants - Griffynn Isakson*; Henry Liddiard*
Musicians: Bass guitar - Martin Waymark
Guitar - Richard Lock
Woodwind - Debra Warner
Piano - Duncan Sinclair
Drums - Nick Morris
See programme for further details.
Production No.198 - 6 shows were performed over 4 days. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Peter Webster, www.petepanto.co.uk