FDS - Educating Rita poster

Educating Rita

A comedy drama by Willy Russell
Thursday 10 November 2005 - Saturday 12 November 2005
Faringdon Junior School, 26 Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HY
Directed by Rachel Coward & Rob Thorpe
Producer: John Taylor

Performances start 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier.
Tickets: £7. Concessions £5. Tickets were available from White Horse Country Wear, 6 Cornmarket, Faringdon.

Simon Wisbey (Frank) & Lesley Phillips (Rita)

When late developer Rita presents herself in the study of superannuated, disillusioned lecturer Frank (unpublished poet with a drink problem) demanding an education the scene is set for a transformation in both their lives. Rita may have had her consciousness raised in the hairdressing salon where she works, but can she reinvigorate the jaded academic and find what she is looking for? This two-hander is not just an exercise in clever verbal patter – though there is plenty of that to enjoy, with sparky ‘Scouse’ humour – but a sensitive exploration of two lives challenged and changed in the pursuit of truth and beauty.

Find out more? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educating_Rita

Production No.150 (3 shows were performed over 3 days).

Maintenance Debug Data

Boxoffice close date: 12-11-2005 6:00 pm
Reviews start date: 10-11-2005 8:30 pm
Programme start date: 12-11-2005 8:30 pm
Production is Box Office Current: false
Ticket shop name: White Horse Country Wear, 6 Cornmarket, Faringdon
Ticket source: White Horse Country Wear, 6 Cornmarket, Faringdon.

Production details:
    [title] => Educating Rita
    [year] => 2005
    [url] => https://www.faringdondramatic.org.uk/archives/educating-rita-2005/
    [slug] => educating-rita-2005
    [author] => Willy Russell
    [publisher] => 
    [genre] => comedy drama
    [dates] => Thursday 10 November 2005 - Saturday 12 November 2005
    [times] => 7:30 pm
    [doors_open] => 30
    [first] => 10-11-2005 7:30 pm
    [last] => 12-11-2005 7:30 pm
    [boxoffice_close] => 12-11-2005 6:00 pm
    [reviews_start] => 10-11-2005 8:30 pm
    [programme_start] => 12-11-2005 8:30 pm
    [venue] => Faringdon Junior School, 26 Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HY
    [perfs_count] => 3
    [days_count] => 3
    [thumb_url] => https://www.faringdondramatic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/educating-rita-2005-poster-77x100.jpg
    [medium_url] => https://www.faringdondramatic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/educating-rita-2005-poster-155x200.jpg
    [poster_url] => https://www.faringdondramatic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/educating-rita-2005-poster.jpg
    [reviews] => 
Box office status:
Number of photos: 1
Number of reviews: