March Medley

A Miscellany of Mystery and Mirth

A selection written by various writers
Thursday 7 March 1985 - Saturday 9 March 1985
Faringdon Community Theatre, The Pump House, 5 Market Place, Faringdon
Directed by Deirdre Hamley & Evelyn Stoodley

Tickets were available from F. B. Wood (newsagents), 4a London Street, Faringdon.

The Madam

A one-act play by by Gwen Cherrell
Produced by Deirdre Hamley

This one act play tells the story of a family of four sisters and the tragedy that has caused them each to suffer their own personal hells. The script, originally written for television, follows true Murder Mystery style, in that we meet each of the characters and are told of a secret to be uncovered. As the audience attempts to guess the outcome, the sisters get tangled up in emotion, tears and unravelling the mystery for themselves.

The action of the play passes in the living room of the Davenport’s house in the country. Time: the present.

Cast (in order of appearance):

Leonie Davenport – Lynn Mander
Ginny Davenport – Kate Rice
Molly Beak – Brenda Keith-Walker
Anna Davenport – Shirley Morriss
Sandy – Matthew Watts
Paula Davenport – Carole White


A selection of sketches performed by Brenda Keith-Walker, Kate Rice, Alistair Barron, Dave Headley, Matt White and George Young.

None The Wiser

A one-act play by Anthony Booth
Produced by Evelyn Stoodley

March Medley 1985 CuttingA gang of women posing as nuns are operating a successful shoplifting racket. The trouble is that at home in their convent they have to look the part, and when two nuns seeking accommodation appear at the door they can’t turn them away. However, the newcomers aren’t what they seem either.

The action of the play passes in the living room of Stonegate Convent.

Cast (in order of appearance):

Jean – Gail Mander
Edith – Carole White
Susan – Claire Bottrill
Bess – Eileen Drew
Vera – Eileen Heath (neĆ© Beames)
Angela – Shirley Morriss
Rose – Lynn Mander

Production No.86 - 3 shows were performed over 3 days.