FDS - Pirates of the Faribbean poster

Pirates of the Faribbean

The Curse of the Black Pig

A pantomime written by Nick Coard
Friday 26 January 2007 - Saturday 27 January 2007
& Friday 2 February 2007 - Saturday 3 February 2007
Faringdon Junior School, 26 Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HY
Directed by Nick Coard

Times: Performances start 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier. Each performance lasts approximately 2½ hours. Matinées on Saturdays only.
Tickets: Adult £7. Child (under 16) £5. Concessions £5. Tickets were available from White Horse Country Wear, 6 Cornmarket, Faringdon.

More than 60 local children took to the stage in Faringdon performing in PIRATES OF THE FARIBBEAN – THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PIG a new pantomime written by Nick Coard. The story follows the heroes Billy and Buttercup as they try to rescue their talisman, the Black Pig, from the clutches of marauding Pirates. Featuring pop songs and show tunes this was a show for all the family.


Photographs by Stephen Page

Cast (in order of appearance):

Old man of the Sea - John Taylor
Rose Seller - Miriam Wells
Strawberry Seller - Sasha Dobner
Milkmaid - Becky Smith
Knife Grinder - Jack Porter
Buttercup - Grace Anderson
Commodore Ritchie (Lionel) - Cleve Forty
Billy - Elli Morton
Dame - Gary Bates
Soldier 1 - Rob Thorpe
Soldier 2 - Grace Logan
Pirate King (Richard III) - Lesley Phillips
Poop - Joe Benson
Scoop - Katie Dyet
Ant (a daddy Seagull) - John Taylor
Chek – his son - Euan Coard
Singing Sailors - Esme Cottier; Abbie Fidler; Fraser Murphy-Hand
Pirate Crew - Seb Allum; Kirsty Bayliss; Kathleen Brown; Laurence Cain; James Campbell; Callum Coard; Matt Cockcroft; Charlotte Cockcroft; Lauren David; Marta Dyet; Josh Forth; Ella Goodwin; Holly Hamer; Sally Hayter; Becky Hodgson; Max Jackson; Rhys Lewis; William Luce; Dineo Luce; Fraser Murphy-Hand; Matthew Mountford-Lister; Andrew Prescott; Jemma Renton-Rose; Chad Saunders; Daisy Stevens; Jemima Stevens; Jake Thorpe; Charlie Thorpe; Meg Thorpe; Ned Townsend; Barnaby Vogt; Charlotte Walsham; Brogan West
Townsfolk - Liam Anderson; Ashley Ashdown; Abby Benson; Hannah Billson; Oliver Billson; Tash Cain; Euan Coard; Esme Cottier; Sasha Dobner; Anna Dyet; Abbie Fidler; Jo Garrard; Katie Goodwin; Molly Groves; Josh Hatton; Hannah Lardner; Hayley Lavender; Huw Lewis; Clare Matthews; Keith Merrick; Bethan Murphy-Hand; Jack Porter; Beth Porter; Celia Russell; Sophie Russell; Louisa Shaw; Becky Smith; Alice Stephens; Rowan Twine; Miriam Wells; Hazel Wells; Jenny Whiffen; Rebekah Wisbey
Band - Elliott Coard; Alistair Hunt; Martha Kiff; Richard Lock; Steve Page; Debra Warner; Rebecca Whiffen; Paul Wilcock

See programme for further details.

Production No.154 - 6 shows were performed over 4 days.