When We Are Married
A comedy by J.B. Priestley
Wednesday 3 April 1963 - Saturday 6 April 1963
The Little Theatre, Old Royal Marines Camp, Butts Close, Faringdon
Directed by Nancy Reeves & Bill Carter
Tickets were available from Burtwell & Drew Ltd (electrical), 19 Coxwell Street, Faringdon.
The action of the play takes place at Alderman Helliwell’s house in Clecklewkye, a town in the West Riding, in 1908, and presents the problems of three couples celebrating their silver wedding anniversaries, who suddenly have cause to doubt whether they are really legally married.
Twenty-five years ago, the Helliwells, the Parkers and the Soppitts were married on the same day by the same parson. They gather at the Helliwell home to celebrate their silver wedding. The new chapel organist tells them that he recently met the parson who conducted the triple wedding ceremony – he was not authorised to do so. Pandemonium breaks out when these pillars of society believe they have been living in sin for twenty-five years.
Cast (in order of appearance):
Ruby Birtle – Susan Hill
Gerald Forbes – Duncan Mclntosh
Mrs. Northrop – Kathleen Daish
Nancy Holmes – Christine Ridge
Fred Dyson – Sam Heath
Henry Ormonroyd – George Young
Alderman Joseph Helliwell – Bill Reeves
Maria Helliwell – Nancy Reeves
Councillor Albert Parker – Ted Dyson
Herbert Soppitt – John Lott
Clara Soppitt – Kathleen Hill
Annie Parker – Eileen Heath
Lottie Grady – Eileen Drew
Rev. Clement Mercer – Cyril Rudge
Production No.39 - 4 shows were performed over 4 days.